Monday, January 10, 2011


There is no cure for grief and there is no substitute for grieving, but to understand the process and to understand the transition from living in the material world to living in the spiritual world may lighten the load of grief.
It is normal to believe that you have lost someone you love when that person’s physical body ceases to function. However, we never “lose” anyone because we never cease to exist. A person does not have a soul, a person is the soul, and the soul is immortal.
Many times after the death of a loved one, the survivors are searching for answers and means of coping with the loss. These resources offer some direction and advice. Perhaps in some small way this may help you on your journey through grief:

POSITIVE WAYS OF COPING WITH GRIEF describes various coping strategies to help you process and endure your grief. While not an exhaustive list, it can lead you in the right direction on the road to healing.

THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL gives a brief overview of how the different religions of the world view the immortality of the soul. For thousands of years people of faith have studied what happens when we die. The conclusion is that life is everlasting.

SPIRIT CONTACT AS A TOOL IN HEALING FROM GRIEF explains some of the benefits of making contact with the soul of someone who is on the Other Side. Spirit Contact can validate your belief system that life is everlasting.

PRAYERS FOR HELP are a means of asking God’s help during difficult times.
How you believe in God, how you pray and what prayers you utilize are personal decisions. These examples are just a few prayers suggested by Mark Anthony.

AFFIRMATIONS are a means of taking feelings and thoughts of sadness and replacing them with more positive thoughts and feelings. The journey through grief is a long and painful road, yet an affirmation may help you take a step in the right direction.

THE WORST THINGS TO SAY TO SOMEONE IN GRIEF. When someone you know has lost a loved one, it is natural to want to comfort and offer words of consolation. However, you must be careful what you say because sometimes what you may think are words of consolation may actually be hurtful to the bereaved person.

Taken from:

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